Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sometime I cannot help but really admire and give a thumb up for my colleague. He’s moving from sales to retail. Yet he still positive and cheerful. Mentioned that it’ll be better for him to take care of his baby. =) Today is his last day and he will be on leave for a week before moving on to Retail. Actually being at retail is good, the least is you stay there at 1 location and fix working time. Unlike sales where you’ve to be on the move even till late nights. Eating up all your free time. . .

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Heavy Heart

Today boss come in early, estimate close to 9am . . .Early cos the sales still haven't come in nor is Anis in yet. So there's i sitting down there keying those orders i know. Anyway lucky because this month is a slow month. Not much order. Can do things at your own pace. . . Edward call, envy the little girl can go for 1 month leave. Haha. No time never hear his voice le. . . That's what he claims too, saying I hide away. Lol.

Well. . . heavy heart. Yea right. Ain't smiling for the past few days already. . Gloomy face. =(

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Send off

Ms Yeo Twin off on their 1 week holiday @ Taiwan today. Sending them off at the Changi Airport . . . 1st meet them at their house - by reading their self drawn map could only lead me to the traffic light junction and leave me there wondering which route to take becasue no indication of any more traffic light or more specific shops or how long is the distance should i be reaching their home. Almost thought i lost my way so ask the passer by for direction. Ya Ya right Ms Yeo Twin - walk straight all the way. . .

We took cab to airport, only me ate and spend time till 12plus before saying farewell . . . 1 week without yaya @ work - gonna take some time to adapt. But really glad both of them are able to take some time off to enjoy themselves.

Been a bit addicted to my mobile camera. . . Taking candid shot @ things which interests me. . . But still haven't figure out where's the zoom. . .Lazy to touch the manual book. =p

Haiz. . . unsure why lately been feeling really tired. Probably not enough sleep. .Alright going for my beauty sleep.

Countdown - 3 weeks plus to CNY

Thursday, January 3, 2008

不要骗我 (Ah Mei)

七点半,你打电话说不能回家吃晚饭. 可是我在等,锅里饭在焖, 又是一个人的夜晚. 你说这个礼拜公司需要你去加班, 说这是应酬,还不是藉口, 我看你不要再隐瞒. 不要骗我,说你爱我, 这份感情我还珍惜. 我知道你很辛苦,每天忙碌. 虽然我知足,却不想装糊涂, 我真的看到你跟她一起. 欺骗我自己,欺骗你自己, 为什么还要在一起. 从没有关心,也没有爱情, 只是为了方便吗. 偷了我的心,耍了我的情, 为什么你还不反省. 试过睁一眼,假装看不见, 我要对你说再见. 你说做个女人应该为男人著想, 不要太好强,不要太多梦想, 这是个男人的世界. 可是你心里应该明白, 你只要你的自由, 应该不应该,把你的爱情收起来. 但是我看到你跟她一起. 这就是骗就是骗自己,骗来骗去结果还是害自己. 为什么还要在一起,也没有尊敬更没有爱情. 你是怕过一个人的生活,只是怕面对一个人的寂寞. 只是怕没有人爱,没有人管,没有人关怀. 为什么你要这样做,嘿! 是不是你看你爸爸从性你妈妈这样做. 不要做,看了就学会去做, 可是你不要犯同样的错误. 下一代犯了同样的错误, 没什么难没什么困难, 只要你对你的良心付费.
A song which I like very much. =)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mmm. . .

What’s the defination of happiness?

For me it’ll means being carefree, that has no burden or even people which bother you. . .
Being at ease regardless of where you’re, what you’re doing. . .
Being contented with what you have. . .
In additional if able to bring simple joy to others too. . .

A smile that never fail to light up the face. . .
Is that so hard to achieve?

Mmm. . . . . .
Need to forget it, perhaps then everything will be fine.