Monday, January 4, 2010


Yo. . . Welcome 2010

I spent my first few days of 2010 oversea. It does feel great to be out of town and way away from my comfort zone. Guess dwelling too long in my comfort zone ain't a good idea cos it made me "still" like a wooden block. Haha. Brother Tim is here for vacation. May he enjoys.

My wishes for this year? Quite a few. . .
For the moment, I only wish for a "different' CNY. Still have a month to go. Yet I'm half half mood. How to say? Mixed feelings.

Real buzy at work since it's the beginning of the year and they are taking turns to take leave cos the child is beinging new school this Year! Oh my god, it always never fail to remind me how old I am now. Sad Sad. Haiz must treasure my time now.

Another wish for the year: Make me a completely different person.

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