Sunday, November 30, 2008

30thNov "Joyous"

Today is a joyous day because my friend he has let go. =)
It has been 2 years since his wife passed away. Suffering alone with no one else who can shares his burden. His son who lives far away from him, only focus his attention on his Japanese Girlfriend and even has plan of migrating. His poor father who has just lost his wife and now worried about his son. A person who has carried his burdens and grieving the loss of loved one. That he even has thoughts of committing suicide. Many people console and encourage him but he can’t let go. Till today, he received precious words of encouragement – that I’m sure he will remember for life. I’m very happy for him. Because he had finally let go of the past. He finally find his direction in life. A hellish of 2 years suffering is over. I’m sure this trip will be a memorable one for him. May he went back home with a new life, a new goal, a new him awaiting ahead.

How true it is that there’s a rainbow after the storm. Can u see the beautiful rainbow? I did. I haven’t felt such pure joy for a long time. To see someone who has been in despair and helpless to a new person who has found his strength and direction. I’m really really happy for him. Thinking of this, I asked myself the same question too:” Have I let go?” =)

Remember “You can do it. You can overcome it.”

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