Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beginning . . .

A new beginning?
Guess so, cos I just settle a problem that keep bothering me. Yet I do feel sad. Letting go has not been easy. Not as easy as 1 2 3. I've learnt something from my trip that is to "Smile".

Big baby told me to smile. No matter what always smile because it can help to ligthen things and change for better. I'm still learning. Though the heavy load is gone, don't know why I can't bring myself to smile.

This morning I saw a few cats. Oh my. . .I start to think of my cats. I really miss them. Those naughty cats that gives me headache. Haha. But now my duty is handover. I can rest assured knowing that they are under good care.

Right now, I need to nurse myself back to health soon and though learn to smile from the heart. Only then happiness will follow.

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